Trainerin für Rhetorik und Verhandlung


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Your Trainer

Marie-Theres Braun

After 11 years of communication training, countless pitches as a film director in front of decision makers and my studies in Speech Science with focus on voice, presentation and conversation, I have learned above all: Your listeners will only be convinced by your speech if they’re convinced by your personality and competence. This works with a committed voice & conversation technique. It doesn’t require being hard and brash or giving up one’s femininity. I teach the relevant methods in trainings & talks. My clients include executives and employees from companies in Germany, Austria, Italy and Macedonia. At the same time, I work as a trained editor/film director & speaker.

Find out more about me and my qualification under “Marie-Theres Braun”.

Direct Your Communication

The daily fight at work: „In the meeting once again nobody came straight to the point”, “I had no chance at all to express my view“, “the client simply doesn’t want to be advised“, …

The question is: What have you done to ensure that you come straight to the point in the meeting, that you are taken seriously and that the client trusts you and your expertise? We ourselves influence how we are perceived by others and how our communication develops.

You will learn methods so you can get others to trust you and steer conversations in a solution-oriented direction.

– With your voice and conversation technique.

You will learn

Sie entwickeln einen durchsetzungsfähigen Sprechstil ohne Härte, die Widerstand hervorrufen würde.

[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Sie erzeugen Loyalität und Vertrauen in Ihre Person & Ihre Expertise [icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Sie finden eine Kombination aus Konsequenz & Verständnis, aus klaren Ansagen & Sympathie [icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Sie setzen sich ohne Härte auch gegen eloquente und stimmlich starke Personen durch [icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Sie fühlen sich wohler, denn Sie können sich Ihrer souveränen und verständnisvollen Wirkung sicher sein. Kunden, Kollegen, Geschäftspartner, Mitarbeiter nehmen Sie als Vertrauens- und Respektperson wahr [icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Projektmeetings sind produktiver [icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Kunden sind weniger „beratungsresistent“ [icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Mitarbeiter lassen sich leichter führen

Wenn Sie vermeiden möchten,

… sich in jeder Gesprächsart (Kritikgespräch, Coaching, Teambesprechung, Verkauf, Verhandlung, Bewerbung etc.) einzeln fortzubilden, lernen Sie Überzeugungstechniken kennen, mit denen Sie die Chance, Ihr Gesprächsziel zu erreichen, grundsätzlich erhöhen.

Would you like more information about a presentation or seminar at your premises?

In an extraordinary training experience with entertaining case studies and voice imitations, I practise with you the communication style which you need for your next career step.

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